Core Value: Worship

Our primary calling as Christians is to worship. We were created to be in an intimate relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Alabaster House of Worship exists to see Jesus loved and worshiped.

This is why we host events such as our Alabaster Worship Nights.

Primarily, Jesus is worthy of our worship. We set aside intentional time to be with Him, often giving Him the best night of the week (Friday or Saturday). We could spend this time with Him alone, worshiping in our living room. But we prefer to use larger venues to give others the opportunity to join us.

We gather together at the feet of Jesus to minister to His heart through song and prayer. As we learn to flow together in unity, we discover that every voice matters. We’re able to release new, spontaneous songs. The Holy Spirit partners with our voice, often releasing prophetic songs through us. Or we feel the gentle nudge of the Spirit to rest and soak up the love of God, enjoying His presence.

Secondarily, we feel called to help the Church receive and step into a greater revelation of what Worship is. Music and singing is a form of worship, but Worship is so much more. We believe in living a Lifestyle of Worship. A Lifestyle of Worship looks like fulfilling the two Great Commandments:

1) Worship looks like loving God with all we are. This includes songs and prayers, studying the Word, spending intentional time alone with Him, receiving His love and removing any idols in our lives or anything that grieves Him.

2a) Worship looks like loving the things God loves, especially our neighbours. This includes edifying and encouraging the Church, preaching the Gospel, praying for the sick, feeding and clothing the poor, and caring for the vulnerable.

2b) Worship looks like loving ourselves. We need to learn to love ourselves, because He loves us. We need to take time to get the inner healing and deliverance we need and start to develop healthy lifestyle choices that honour Him.

If you would like to invite Alabaster House of Worship to minister through Leading Worship, Preaching or Teaching at your event, church, or small group, please reach out to us at


Core Value: Prayer