Core Value: Discipleship

Part of the Great Commission is to make disciples. As Christians, this means we have a responsibility to help one another in our walk of faith. Paul tells us in Ephesians that God has called some to serve the Church, “for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry.” That is why one of our core values is to disciple others. We want to encourage and see our brothers and sisters grow into maturity, being transformed as we behold the Glory of Jesus.

One example of biblical discipleship, that we try to follow, is the mode of the early church recorded in Acts 2. Hospitality is vitally important. We gather together in homes and share meals together. We study the scriptures, worship and pray together. We practice generosity and care for one another’s needs. We help each other grow in intimacy with God and fall more in love with Jesus.

It’s important to mention that the believers continued together in the temple and from house to house. Gathering together regularly as a larger corporate church is just as important as meeting regularly in our homes. Although we are a part of the Church (universally), AHOW is not a local church. We are here to partner with and support local churches. We recognize that there are many believers who are part of the house church movement, which is a beautiful and vital expression of the Body of Christ around the globe. We encourage everyone who attends our events to get connected with a healthy local church and be under the spiritual care of a pastor.

We have a weekly meeting called Experiencing Jesus Bible Study. We gather together in a living room, read the Word and teach from insights gained from commentaries and personal study. As the Holy Spirit is invited to teach us, He opens up the scriptures and gives revelation of Truth. While we study and the Spirit speaks to each person, we are able to share His revelation with others. If you are in the Sylvan Lake area and would like attend, please message us.

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Core Value: Evangelism